Saturday, October 13, 2012

Cyprus Badge, 1 year on Khan Academy

Looks like I have reviewing to do, but at least I've mastered the telling time branch ;)
Has it really been a whole year since I enthusiastically joined Khan academy?  I hadn't been on all summer, but when I first joined I eagerly wasted a couple hours a night doing basic arithmetic just to earn those silly badges.  Most of the time I would log on just to count how many badges I had earned.  I  revisited it this week to look at some material to help me with my Udacity ST101 course.  I figured I should set some goals for the next year.
  1. Participate in the community, teaching is the best way to learn and asking questions is the best way to focus your mind.  
  2. Make it to the end of the Math Tree; Calculus!!
  3. Get one of those pretty sun badges
Sun Badges are epic

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