Thursday, October 18, 2012

google search thursday night

  It's Thursday night, I have a glass(box) of wine and Google search at my disposal.  I'm going to see what new goodies the internets have to offer me, I thought I'd share some of my findings and typos.

The Center for College Affordability  blog is now one of my new favorite sites.  From five minutes of looking through the blog posts it seems to be run by some intelligent people covering important topics on the edu-bubble (my new favorite word of the night).  I haven't even begun to explore their following blog list.

I have to credit Edububble, I think I will buy the book.

Hack Education (omg, I just got the irony! clever girl)  is a blog I have been enjoying for a while.  I got sucked into Adury's post on a reddit troll and the Gawker article. A disturbing side to free speech.

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